Welcome !

I am Afzol Ali, here’s a little bit about me:

Born and raised in London, UK, an entrepreneur, world traveller, petrol head, tech geek and life hack enthusiast. Innate distaste for “average” and an obsession to Rise high, live life to the fullest and fulfilling my potential.

I passionately believe in self-development, achieving financial and lifestyle freedom. Along the journey share what you learn and help others achieve their potential and seek a better life and business.

At 24 years old, I began my business and self-development journey in London. With an unbelievable obsession to Rise beyond the status quo to cut through all the noise and BS to live life my way.

“Success is not a choice, it’s your duty to yourself” | Afzol Ali


Established in 2016, as a passionate project.
To share my journey through life, business and to live in this world without boundaries or limitations.
To empower other entrepreneurs as they start and grow their dream, avoid the mistakes I made and strategies that work. Share motivations that fuel the dream.
To collaborate and share real strategies and mindset. In doing so build a network of high achievers and dream chasers. Together build a better life, and a better world.
Give back to those who need our help the most. Because who you become and what you do with your success is more important than money and freedom.

I am still on an ongoing journey. I manage multiple businesses, ranging from gaming, digital services, fashion, beauty, manufacturing and property investments. At the same time relentlessly strive for personal development. So just like you, I am also in the trenches.

It is a difficult and lonely road, the journey of an entrepreneur. As I hustle and grind, I aim to connect with all of you, who have the same dream. To share my journey, together help each other not just in life but also in our businesses.

As I write this, at 1:00 am in the night, I know there are thousands of us out there striving, fighting and hustling to keep the dream alive. To Rise up, Rise high, living life our way.

Purpose of this site is to connect with you all, giving a central place where you can stay updated and to build everlasting connections and friendships with those who truly wish to change their own and other people life.

I do this through my newsletters, social media, podcasts, videos, events and meetups.

If what I have said so far is enough, if you also feel the same, then sign-up, follow and connect.

If you still want to know more about me, then read on.

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About Me

Now enjoy everyday in running and growing businesses. Have an innate aptitude for strategic adaptation. Love to find new opportunities, travelling and learning. Most important of all giving back.

However, getting to where I am, for which I am grateful, wasn’t easy.

Let’s get real !

“From Chaos Come Order”

Early Life

Son of an immigrant, a third generation citizen of a country I love, the United Kingdom.
I was born in the City of London, to a family with very little means and to a father who worked 21 hours a day to provide a future to his children.
I did not have much of a childhood. My survival instincts kicked in as a child, helping my mother who was alone most of the time, barely knew English and regularly was out in the cold, literally!

We moved to East London in 1987. It was a totally different place to what it is now. Gangs, violence, poverty was a common place. As I grew older, and even though I ended up with the wrong type of crowd. Always knowing I was meant for more, and never really being sucked into that life.

Great Escape

I made a choice in 2004, to take control of my life. To live it my way and not let it just happen to me. To grow as a person, master my journey.

I threw away my mobile phone, so no one could find me, packed my bags and left London.
I ended up in Nottingham, and got admitted to the University, shockingly in a Biomedical Sciences Course aiming to become a Medical Doctor. Where I had no intention of making friends due to my past, but on this journey is where I met lifelong friends.

I didn’t have much finances, but I did have a skill, Hustle!
Throughout life, coming from a poor family, hustling and grinding was second nature. So I hacked through Uni selling, buying and flipping.
Bought my first good car a 3 series BMW which I loved.

That’s when that feeling came. You know that feeling?
That this is not what your meant for. Always questioning authority, questioning the current journey and people around me. Was I on the right path? Was I in the right course? Where is this all going?

I was slowly realising I was living another person’s dream.

A Glimmer

One day in my Masters Course. There was a module in the course on Business and Entrepreneurship, which I stupidly ignored as I thought it was an insignificant module. Little did I know it was a big part.
When I realised the error I only had 2 weeks to complete. Like a mad man, I started to find and tackle this work. Having hardly attended that course, didn’t have much material to work on. But as I began writing and structuring the dissertation. I was shocked!
Unlike all of the other courses and all education I ever did, this I found amazing, interesting, couldn’t get enough of it.
Words came out without thinking, text got written without researching. It just made sense.
Little did I know I was actually writing the framework of one of my future business. I achieved one of the highest marks in the year, and was able to do it in 2 weeks which normally should have taken 3 months.

Realization of self

Being of those that never give up, I managed to complete the 5 years of university! ending up with a Masters. But I stopped there, I couldn’t ignore that inner voice. I stopped fighting with the man in the mirror.

Tried extremely hard to find a job, but not really getting a break. One day, in an interview, the Senior Manager and top sales man in a multi-million dollar company told me;

” Afzol your unemployable, or you going to be unmanageable! you have too much in your head, you should pursue your own path”.

What an idiot! So I thought.

So went back to my default mode. Hustle.

I started a business with my brother, just to get by. But slowly it started to grow. Orders started to come in fast, and our living room turned into a warehouse.

Mother Was not pleased 🙁

Entrepreneur awakens

That’s when it happened. BANG!
The buzz of winning, the game of business was amazing. Nonstop thinking, strategizing the next move, sourcing products, marketing more importantly happy customers…I was hooked.

The pressure was endless, finances were a constant headache. But I didn’t care. The Game was On!

Finally moved into a small office worked on my plans, visualising the next 10 years.
Became retailer for large brands like Microsoft, Nintendo, Sony, Samsung and many more.
At the same time, not resting. Started a wholesale business and partnered in a restaurant.

Was accepted to enter a technology and growth businesses hub, and continued to work towards our goals.

The journey continues….

So join me dear friends, on this epic life journey. Connect, and say Hi on InstagramTwitter, Facebook, and YouTube. I get motivated and inspired by your stories.

The world needs us, and we need each other. You are meant to achieve amazing things. Make a difference to many lives. Become the best you. Build a legacy.

Kindest wishes

Afzol Ali

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