Why Do you need a Strategy For Launch?

In the modern age of global commerce and marketing, it is not enough to simply make a product and put it on a website hoping people will buy it.

You can definitely make a product and run the Sales Funnel strategy to gain sales, which you will most definitely need to do constantly these days. But to increase the highest chance of success and ongoing exponential sales you must try to implement a launch campaign.

This will give you exposure, hype and capture the very essential Early adopters who will spread the word.

Think about how Brands like Apple and Samsung Launch their products, they:
1. Drip feed images on Social / Website

a. Spread Hype by sending out prototype images
2. Makes Videos about what to expect
3. Landing Page with Schedule timers for the launch

a. Do ads to drive traffic > Collect Pre-Order List
4. Then launches it to a select group of people (bloggers, tech news etc) so in your case will be tech websites and influencers

To help keep us focused we always implement a 5 Week Product Launch Campaign.

5 Week Product Launch Campaign Stages

Week 1: Product Preview Content

  • Create Landing Page for the Product Launch with a Timer of the Launch Day > Only to collect emails = Helps to create urgency and hype. This landing page should the information on your backstory of the product, why you made it, key features to expect and get excited about, who is it for, what will they get out of it
  • Create Content > Starting with a Blog and Re-purpose its content on Socal Media
  • Giving people value, info, content and lead up to the sale

Divert all Traffic to Launch Landing Page

Week 2: Product Preview Content

Identify and create/share content addressing mental blocks (reason people won’t do it) customers may have

Week 3: Launch Product

Create/Activate a new Product Landing Page
Promote product via email, social media, launch video, exclusive early bird offers Showing Key features and Functions

Week 4: Engage

  • Engage with the audience
  • Answer the most common objection/questions about the product
  • To finally try to push people on the fence

Week 5: End and Activate Sales Funnel

Announce the end of the campaign for Early Bird offers you set
Activate Standard Sales Funnel for the product with Upsells and Downsells

This method and its adapted version work with both Physical products and digital.

Especially useful to existing client/customer list you have.

DOWNLOAD the 5 Week Launch Strategy and Share it with your team